Monday, September 17, 2007

O.J.'s up to no good again

Well this time I am sure he won't have the same high priced round-table of lawyers he had back in '94 and that will be his demise. Don't be surprised if we hear of O.J. heading to jail for some time following this debacle.

He claims he was just trying to recoup things that were stolen from him in the past, sports memorabilla and other items of value. If something is stolen from you in this day and age you can't just steal it back. Whether or not what OJ says is true the fact remains that he is a seedy character who had yet to clear his name or even try for the murders committed 13 years ago.

In other news his book "If I did it" is to be released by the father of Ron Goldman with the only changes being made are to the title, the book will now be released as "If I did it: Confessions of a Killer"

FFL update tomorrow, 2 games in the balance tonight, 1 already lost, 3 dominating wins so far.

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