Thursday, May 31, 2007

Coffee is a beverage that puts one to sleep when not drank.

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. ~T.S. Eliot

Coffee has two virtues: it is wet and warm. ~Dutch Proverb

Decaffeinated coffee is the devil's blend. ~Author Unknown

Way too much coffee. But if it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever. ~David Letterman

If you can't guess I love coffee, not to say I am a virtuoso, self proclaimed connoisseur of said commodity yet I do imbibe 3-5 cups on an average work day, slightly less on weekends. In college as a means to study I would wake up, or not go to sleep, and around 4am begin brewing coffee and drink 1-2 pots while studying for a test just hours away. Maybe not the best study tip but I passed.

So to coffee i do owe a debt, helped with countless projects and last minute study sessions, as well as motivation for those early morning ski or hiking trips that just wouldn't have made it out the door on time without the black rocket fuel.

So dark and delicious
Mysterious and suspicious
invigorating and inebriating
Robusta is darker and heady
Arabica is lighter and ready
Kona or Sumatra?
South African or South American?
now let me sip on some house...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What the hell is wrong with people in texas?


Mothers in texas have to be the most unstable parents in the world. This happened in the same town that 5 years earlier had experienced a mother shooting her three children then herself. Is it that hard to raise the kids you yourself bare? Apparently in Texas it's getting that way.

This has so many sub-stories that it seams to be a culmination of fuck, she was an immigrant, her husband left her with 4 kids to take care of by herself, she worked at Wendy's, she was depressed and unable to properly raise or care for the children I'm sure, and one of the kids freakin survived.

That kid will either be the rare case where they stand above all to become a great citizen or the more likely outcome, the child will not get a good education and contribute to the crime/poverty this country currently faces and refuses to fix.

These stories make me sick and they are happening more and more in Texas according to the article on the same issue.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Its one thing to be a bastard...'s another to acknowledge you were wrong about drawing media attention to something slanderous to another person and then not apologizing because in your mind that person is a 'lowlife'

Now if I were to call this attorney a lowlife for saying that than I am right on his level, but then again im not an attorney talking to the media about someone whose life could potentialy be ruined by my words, o well.

Edmonson said he was "shocked" anybody would be sympathetic toward Henry.

Are you kidding so he thought Henry had no family or friends, or the fact that the Bengals are heavily vested in the man, what an asshole.

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty or to give your fellow man another chance?

ACLU now defends those about to die.

Lethal injection not quick enough

"What is clear from today's botched execution is that the state doesn't know how to execute people without torturing them to death," said Carrie Davis attorney for ACLU of Ohio.

But Newton, who had had insisted on the death penalty as punishment and made no attempt to appeal, chatted and laughed with prison staff throughout the delay. It took so long that the staff paused to allow Newton a bathroom break.

Doesn't sound like torture to me.

So she is defending someone who beat and strangled a man to death, who is willingly taking the lethal injection method of punishment and he was even allowed a bathroom break!

The man was 265lbs! of course it's not going to be easy to find a vein in all that fat, do they the hospital if a nurse has trouble finding a vein? NO! the patient may experience some extra discomfort but this sort of thing is not uncommon.

The biggest question in my mind is how this Carrie Davis can sleep at night, while during the day she spends her time defending a murderers civil rights, when even the man himself did not have a problem with what went down?

In a statement read by a lawyer after his death, Newton, 37, apologized to Brewer's family and his own. But the only thing Newton said in the death chamber was: "Yes, boy, I could sure go for some beef stew and a chicken bone. That's it."

Those are not the words of a tortured man.

Vegas not just for degenerate gamblers anymore

Now accepting the rediculously lazy.

For just 40$ a day you can drink and drive, gamble and grab ass and pretty much be Lebowski style lazy while still being the degenerate that you are.

This is the equivalent of able bodied people hanging a handicapped sticker from their rear-view mirror just for that closer spot. If someone is actually in need, this is a great product but the business owners allowing people who are perfectly able to rent these should be taxed heavily or something else along the lines of money because guilt is obviously not a factor.

Those people who are perfectly capable are saying that you cannot discriminate against anyone for there preferences, even lazyness can no longer be untolerated!

The clerks behind the desk have their hands tied, they can't say no even if they should and the lazy people can spend money however they choose so who loses here? Just the american value system and I think I die a little inside everytime I see or hear about something like this.


4 weeks from tomorrow I will be competing in my first Xterra off-road Triathlon. I'm anxious and excited not too mention a little nervous as it will be a 1 mile open lake swim followed by a 20 mile mountain bike ride topped off with a 5 mile trail run. Yea.

So my training hasn't quite been what it should have been recently, I've been letting myself get distracted with climbing, bouldering, tennis and moving into a new position at work, basically last time I swam it was only .5mi and I was dead tired afterwards. Not exactly in Tri-form yet.

This weekend will be starting to do dual training where I swim and bike or bike and run in the same session, we'll see how that goes...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bubonic Plague in Denver

Run for your lives!!!!

They found dead squirrels with the black death and now the found a dead ape, next will be cats and dogs, chaos is upon us, run for the hills.

We should be given permission to take out every squirrel we see, ya know, to be on the safe side.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Get me outta here

Red clouds
charcoal skies
burning tires
dont ask why
fat stomachs and thin keyboards
stale coffee and old flowers
tired muscles
bloodshot eyes
advil capsules
and burning thighs
easy sleep no need to creep
warm socks and snow coverd rocks

Monday, May 14, 2007

Snow Zen

Weaving in and out
ducking branches
bumping trunks
a wall of white
then open space
then surrounded again
I think im in heaven
an enlightened state
mind leaves the body
the soul is your only guide

Friday, May 11, 2007

German man found after 7 years dead in bed


Amazing no one noticed for 7 years!

Wouldn't someone complain about the smell? I geuss when you live in a rundown office building in Berlin and a letter from the welfare office is enough to make you kick the bucket then your stench may not have been strong enough for signifigant noses to smell.

The Boulder Creek...

Well it's almost that time of year again. A time when the snow melts into the icy waters which flow east along the Boulder creek, and young men risk life and limb with no thoughts of self-preservation. All for the adrenaline filled moments when you are gasping for air while being pulled below the surface yet again due to the strong undertow, just to resurface and get pulled under again and again, until reaching the hallowed finish line and all the glory of.....the library.

Our first foray up the creek was in June '05 a day or two after the creek was closed due to dangerous water levels and strong under-currents, and something about a young male dying from head trauma. Walking up the path along side the creek you get to see all the obstacles you will encounter on your journey, still not sure if that's good or bad for the first time as it is at the very least intimidating and at most deadly (there have been an average 1-2 deaths a year on the creek over the past few years).

Once we got to the top there was no reason to hesitate, contemplating what we were about to do may have only stopped us from a bad decision and who wants that. Immediately once we hit the water my balls shriveled and my body temp dropped a good 10 degrees. We were instantly ejected from our tubes as we went over the first set of rapids, luckily instinct told me told throw one arm around the tube and hang on for dear life, which turned out to be the right thing to do.

Going over head first doesnt seam like fun so with all the energy possible to muster I spun around on the tube in time for the next set of rapids and again I found myself being seperated from the tube and having to hang on for dear life while my shins played the bongos on the rocks below (the water was less than a foot deep in spots).

Upon reaching our destination we drag our battered and bruised bodies out of the water, shins and ankles bleeding, hips bruised, hands shaking, Justin looks over, "one more time?".......

Snow and Off-roading on Mexico's Independance day


I had to work the morning of Cinco de Mayo so my day started at 6am answering phone calls in my underwear talking to assholes who can’t figure out how to use a little wireless phone. Jesse had gotten drunk the night before and didn’t seem bothered by my work or the constant playing of livin’ on a prayer every time a call came in.

I got the call from Bryan just before 2pm, I was pretty much done for the day and was looking forward to being somewhere out of range. “I got 4lbs of steak, a bottle of tequila and some beers I need help drinking, let’s go off-roading.” Bryan’s phone call was an offer I couldn’t refuse.

We met up with Sandy and KC and headed up to Gold Hill. Trusty Rusty, the ’84 four-runner Sandy has had since college roared up the 4x4 path. Inside, with the slight smell of exhaust seeping in from the holes in the floorboards, we smoked a pipe as the cold smell of wet spring rain-snow mix going on outside worked it’s way in through the slightly cracked windows.

As we rode through the small town of Gold Hill it began to precipitate, not that that will slow us down. Arriving in Left Hand Canyon it begins to snow. We find some familiar inclines to blast up. Trusty is still going strong. After getting stuck a few times and conquering a few hills we decide to find a flat spot to chill at.

Since it was snowing we parked the trucks parallel to each other and setup tarps between them, which wound up working perfectly, time to pass around the tequila. Also for good measure we had a bottle of Old Crow and one of Makers to top it off. Africa brought a red rider and a wrist rocket so whenever someone finished a PBR they would have to hang it on a nearby tree to be shot at.

4lbs of steak on a mini propane grill while snowing in May actually cooks quite nicely. Plans for bong hits and bar trips go out the window before my head hits the pillow on the couch.