Thursday, June 28, 2007

Nixonian Stonewalling

That is what the chairman of the senate Judiciary commitee said about Bush's recent actions regarding the documents pertaing to the warrantless wire-tapping program.

This is getting rediculous, Cheney said he's not a part of the executive branch!!! Are you kidding me. He sited executive privilidge in past case to cover his own ass and now your telling me he thinks he is above the executive branch? These guys are making vietnam look like a success in comparison to how we are fairing in Iraq.

The most famous claim of executive privilege was in 1974, when President Nixon went to the Supreme Court to avoid surrendering White House tape recordings in the Watergate scandal. That was in a criminal investigation, not a demand from Congress. The court unanimously ordered Nixon to turn over the tapes.

God(any of them) save us all.

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