Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Rapture of the Bees...or A World less sweet...

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." - Charles Schultz

The Bees are Dyeing!!!

No more Honey!!!!

Are Honey Bees the canary in the coal mine?

Should this be the Inconvenient Truth people are talking about, are we paying too much attention to Global warming? Well, no just not enough to this.

Many people don't realize the vital role bees play in maintaining a balanced eco-system. According to experts, if bees were to become extinct then humanity would perish after just four years.

"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man," said Albert Einstein.

Osama bin Ladens final plan begins to take action.....Wheres Jack Bauer when you need him?

"Approximately 40 percent of my 2,000 colonies are currently dead and this is the greatest winter colony mortality I have ever experienced in my 30 years of beekeeping," apiarist Gene Brandi, from the California State Beekeepers Association, told Congress recently.

The article states that U.S. bee colonies have been dropping since 1980 and the number of beekeepers have halved. ( I would attribute this to standard economics, mergers, acquisitions, bee-outs, etc...)


"In many cases, scientists have found evidence of almost all known bee viruses in the few surviving bees found in the hives after most have disappeared. Some had five or six infections at the same time and were infested with fungi -- a sign, experts say, that the insects' immune system may have collapsed."

It's some kind of super hybrid mutant disease, don't let the bees breath on you honey...

Is it out of the realm of possibility that a terrorist organization has manipulated the chemicals being sprayed on our crops causing this potential future environmental breakdown? Is it beyond reasonable belief that this is all the cause of a government controlled population reduction plan? Or is this just another episode of big business destroying the environment on the road to big profits?

My theory: The bees are being abducted for experiments by aliens from distant galaxies in order to learn of their culture. The bees that are found left behind have been poisoned by the abductors so that no word can be spread of our imminent doom. The unfortunate alien who's task it is to carry out the anal examinations would develop very severe eyestrain, I imagine. or not.

Or, what if there are Killer Mutant Bees on the rampage moving from hive to hive devouring all bees in site as their taste for pollen has turned to a taste for bee-blood. Only leaving behind the bloody and near-dead that managed to escape but not without new disease's carried by these insatiable bee-vampires.

Chew on this: The United States grows nearly two-thirds of all genetically engineered crops. Last year about 130 million acres were planted with GMs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modified_food).

Much of the soy, corn, cotton and canola have had a gene inserted into their DNA (I don't think this is what Darwin was talking about) to produce pesticides systemically throughout the plants created and patented by Monsanto. Monsanto also produces genetically modified crops designed not to die when herbicides are sprayed on them. In a perfect biotech world, only the weeds would be killed. But Mother Nature has a way of outwitting human designs. So, now the weeds are becoming resistant to the herbicide sprays and frustrated farmers are putting on more and more poisons.

Eventually we are going to kill this planet whether we bomb each other off it, starve all living things to death or drown when the ice caps melt. Until then I'll be doin my thing tryin not to bring my own ending too soon.

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