Saturday, April 28, 2007

Talking to your Parents while Tripping on Acid.

Let me preface this by saying that talking to your parents on acid is terribly wrong, they may freak out and get worried by ones odd behavior. Also you may alter the path your trip was on by talking with said parents, basically I don’t recommend it.

I was reading one of the Rudius blogs; . He was talking about friends tripping on airplanes, which in my opinion has to be worse than talking to your parents, but it got me to thinking about the time Tammy(m), Hughsey and I all took tabs and went to the mall. It was sweet, I got a haircut, possibly one of the most pleasurable skin tingling experiences ever had. Tim and I got to the final level on a first-person shooter game, Area 51, on 50 cents, we had a crowd of people standing around watching us.

When it was time to go home we were still tripping pretty hard, so of course I drove. Man were we smart back in those days. I was hoping the parents would be asleep by the time we got back but of course they were still up on the couch directly between the kitchen and the destination, the basement.

Since they were watching a movie I don’t think they noticed our odd behavior. I couldn’t tell them we had been at the mall for 5 hours because they would think it’s a bit weird so I made something up about going to arena football an hour away. The whole time Jon had a smirk on his face like he was holding back wild laughter or puke, borderline. Tammy took his hat off and his hair made to points like devil horns out the front with the rest of his hair forward (at least that’s what it looked like to me at the time). I don’t know how I was able to compose my self for that short time but somehow they didn’t question us too much further and we ran to the basement to trip and smoke more ganja.

So back to what got me on this subject, the writer's friends took acid on a cross-continental flight with their parents! Amazing, unthinkable, unimaginable and nothing bad of note happened. I recommend his blog, excellent writing.

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